Friday, January 3, 2014

Ok....I'll admit. Writing this thing is scary and intimidating. Hence the reason it took me over a year to write a second blog post. But seeing as its a new year and all I figured why not give this another go.

Food is my whole life.(Just don't tell my husband) I am a person whose whole day is spent on thinking about what to eat, when to eat, where to buy it and what fun new restaurants to try this weekend. 

The problem Ive had since I was young (as most people I assume do) is finding the balance between eating what I want and not gaining 20lbs while doing so :). I strive to be able to enjoy myself while still consciously making the right choices. Throughout my life my weight has been up and down and it wasn't until I really truly let myself "live" was I able to lose the weight and finally feel good about myself. Its all about that balance people!

Ok, so traveling. That is what I want this blog to really focus on. After food I would have to say that traveling is definitely my number 2 biggest passion. I mean come on we all dream about it. Different cultures, beautiful scenery, spending your days doing whatever you want, and eating all the delicacies that country has to offer! I mean who can resist this!? 

So If you are interested hook line and sinker I will make each post about visiting a specific country, city, restaurant etc. and give you my take on what to eat, what are the right choices to make and what to stay away from. Because life should be enjoyed!

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